Hello All!
I have arrived in Thessaloniki!
A little back story of this week is that I have been running crazy! And to add on top of my very thin amount of time to pack, mother nature decided to throw an ice/snow storm at the midwest. With the storm coming my family and I decided to stay in a hotel Friday night into Saturday, in a half-way location from home and Chicago. Then Saturday morning we drove the rest of the way to Chicago, and then said our goodbyes.
This part is very hard for me. Anyone who knows me, I am extremely emotional and leaving my family for such a long amount of time is very hard for me. I have cried lots of tears already, I am currently crying, and I am sure there will be lots more crying to come. Through all this crying, I know the people around me support and love me on this journey. None of them would let me do this if they did not truly believe that I am strong enough.
My flights here were good. My first flight leaving Chicago going to Frankfurt, Germany was about an hour late after some testing had to be done on the plane. Fortunately, I had a long enough layover that this did not impact me catching my next flight from Frankfurt to Thessaloniki. Both of these flights were fairly smooth, yet I still had a difficult time sleeping. On the two plane rides and through my layover, I only slept around an hour and a half, Once I arrived in Thessaloniki, I had an airport transfer reserved to take me to my hotel. My hotel transfer driver was absolutely amazing and gave me a tour of the city while he brought me to the hotel. At the hotel, I crashed. I am exhausted, and I don’t plan to leave the hotel today as I want to just decompress.
As most of this sound sunshine and rainbows, my vulnerability comes out next. As I lay in my hotel bed tonight, I fear that I will miss opportunities. I fear that I will not be brave enough to travel around the European Union while I am here. I fear that I will not travel the city enough do to fear of the hustle and justle. There are just over one million people living here and they drive completely different than in the U.S. With that all being said, right now my fears are not being enough for myself to go discover more.
- With Love, Cambrie